Package: mse

Iago Mosqueira

mse: Tools for Running Management Strategy Evaluations using FLR

A set of functions and methods to enable the development and running of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) analyses, using the FLR packages and classes and the a4a methods and algorithms.

Authors:Iago Mosqueira [aut, cre], Ernesto Jardim [aut]

mse.pdf |mse.html
mse/json (API)

# Install 'mse' in R:
install.packages('mse', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKDec 16 2024
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Technical Manual for the mse FLR/a4a package

Rendered frommse-manual.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 16 2024.

Last update: 2021-10-28
Started: 2018-12-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Bisection search for a forecast target providing a given performance statistic value.bisect
A buffered and non-linear hockeystick HCRbuffer.hcr
A HCR to set total catch based on SSB depletion levelcatchSSB.hcr
Calculates the Fbar value giving a maximum probability of ssb being below Blim of 5%computeFp05
Creates a single table of output from an FLmse objectdb
Debugging mse modulesdebug,FLo,ANY-method debug,mseCtrl,missing-method debug-mse undebug,FLo,ANY-method undebug,mpCtrl,character-method undebug,mpCtrl,missing-method undebug,mseCtrl,missing-method
effort implementation
A fixed catch HCRfixedC.hcr
A fixed target ffixedF.hcr
S4 class 'FLiem'FLiem FLiem-class FLiem-methods initialize,FLiem-method iter,FLiem-method
S4 class 'FLmse'args,FLmse-method args<-,FLmse,list-method control,FLmse-method FLmse FLmse-class FLmse-methods oem oem,FLmse-method oem-methods oem<- oem<--methods om om,FLmse-method om-methods om<- om<--methods tracking tracking,FLmse-method tracking-methods tracking<- tracking<--methods
Specification for the observation error model (OEM).combine,FLoem,FLoem-method deviances,FLoem-method deviances<-,FLoem,list-method FLoem FLoem-class FLoem-methods iter,FLoem-method observations observations,FLoem-method observations-methods observations<- observations<-,FLoem,ANY,FLStock-method observations<-,FLoem,missing,list-method observations<--methods show,FLoem-method
A class for an operating model (OM)combine,FLom,FLom-method control<-,FLmse,mpCtrl-method FLom FLom-class FLom-methods oem<-,FLmse,FLoem-method om<-,FLmse,FLo-method sr,FLom-method sr<-,FLom,FLSR-method stock,FLom-method stock<-,FLom,FLStock-method tracking<-,FLmse,FLQuants-method
A method to project the operating model (OM)
Functions to create grids and lists of model and simulation runsexpandGrid grid gridList
The typical HCR used by ICESices.hcr
Predicted index of abundance from abundance estimatesindex.hat,FLIndexBiomass,FLStock-method
An indicator-based HCRindicator.hcr
indicator implementation
Initializes a population for a given virgin biomass.initiate
Kobe statisticskobestatistics
Compute number of necessary Monte Carlo runsmcN
mp executes a single run of a Management Proceduremp
S4 class 'mpCtrl'args<-,mpCtrl,function-method args<-,mpCtrl-method debug,mpCtrl,character-method est est,mpCtrl-method est-methods est<- est<-,mpCtrl,function-method est<--methods hcr hcr,mpCtrl-method hcr-methods hcr<- hcr<-,mpCtrl,function-method hcr<--methods initialize,mpCtrl-method isys isys,mpCtrl-method isys-methods isys<- isys<-,mpCtrl,function-method isys<--methods iter,mpCtrl-method iters,mpCtrl-method method,mpCtrl-method method<-,mpCtrl,function-method method<-,mpCtrl-method mpCtrl mpCtrl-class mpCtrl-methods phcr phcr,mpCtrl-method phcr-methods phcr<- phcr<-,mpCtrl,function-method phcr<--methods show,mpCtrl-method tm tm,mpCtrl-method tm-methods tm<- tm<-,mpCtrl,function-method tm<--methods
S4 class 'mseCtrl'args args,mseCtrl-method args-methods args<- args<-,mseCtrl,list-method args<--methods exists exists,mseCtrl-method initialize,mseCtrl-method method method,mseCtrl-method method-methods method<- method<-,mseCtrl,function-method method<--methods mseCtrl mseCtrl-class mseCtrl-methods show,mseCtrl-method
FLom object for North sea plaicep4om
A perfect observation of catch and abundances-at-age.perfect.oem
A perfect 'estimate' of abundances, catches and
Compute performance statisticsperformance performance,FLom-method performance,FLStock-method performance,FLStocks-method performance,list-method
Samples from an operating model to obtain catch, biology and abundance datasampling.oem
Example set of performance statisticsstatistics
TAC implementation system
Target-based harvest control rule to adjust input or output from CPUEtarget.hcr